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The 45 most influential homes & interiors journalists on Social Media

The 45 most influential homes & interiors journalists on Social Media

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Want to start a conversation with the most influential homes & interiors journalists in the UK?

Social media is a great place to engage.

From finding out what makes journalists, stylists and editors tick over on Twitter to checking out their beautifully curated insta feeds, social media is a fabulous way to get to know the people behind the country’s leading interior pages and onlines.

Engaging with the most influential homes & interiors journalists on social media will help you connect with them in real life; helping you create timely pitches and give you more chance of getting coverage in these industry bibles.

But make sure you form genuine connections, not just liking their posts for the sake of it.

So… here you go, a list of the top 45 homes & interiors journalists who write for the mainstream outlets, online and offline and their Twitter and Instagram links.

  1. Katrina Burroughs @Kat_Burroughs / @katrina_burroughs (Instagram)
    Award-winning interiors editor at The Sunday Times Home
  2. Jenny Wood @WoodyJen / @woodyjen (Instagram)
    Features, lifestyle and homes journalist freelancing for the likes of The Daily Mail and Fabulous
  3. Victoria Harrison @_VickyHarrison
    Homes & Garden writer and Editor of
  4. Andrea Dean @giornalista1
    Property, lifestyle and interiors journalist for the likes of Metro
  5. Claudia Baillie @claudiabaillie / @claudiabaillie (Instagram)
    Freelance design and interiors editor
  6. Gabrielle Fagan @gabrielle_fagan
    Interiors writer for PA
  7. Tamara Kelly @Tamlovestoshop
    Shopping Editor at Ideal Home
  8. Ollie Stallwood @olliestallwood
    Freelance journalist and interiors editor at Metro
  9. Kiera Buckley-Jones @KieraStylist/ @kierabuckley.jones (Instagram)
    Style Editor at Elle Decoration
  10. Rachel Ogden @RachelOgden_/@rachelogden_ (Instagram)
    Freelance journalist with credits in pretty much every British glossy
  11. Sara Bird @sarajbird / sara_bird_stylist (Instagram)
    Freelance interior journalist, stylist and style editor of Country Homes & Interiors
  12. Joanna Thornhill @JoannaThornhill/ @joannathornhillstylist (Instagram)
    Freelance interiors stylist/writer for mags
  13. Gabby Deeming @gaboushk (Instagram)
    Creative Director (Interiors) of House & Garden
  14. Jennifer Morgan @mor_jennifer
    Freelance editor, content producer and stylist
  15. Ellie Tennant @Ellie_Tennant
    Freelance journalist and stylist
  16. Linda Clayton @lindaclayton / @lindaclaytonwrites (Instagram)
    Freelance interiors writer for the likes of LivingEtc and Real Homes
  17. Sam Scott-Jeffries @InteriorsJunkie
    Executive Editor of The English Home
  18. Melanie Griffiths @MelaniesHome
    Editor of Period Living
  19. Ruth Sleightholme @rutherton / @rutherton (Instragram)
    Deputy Decoration Editor of House & Garden
  20. Sophie Warren-Smith @sophiews / @theprettiestposy (Instagram)
    Freelance interiors journalist and stylist for the likes of Real Homes
  21. Barbara Chandler @sunnyholt / @sunnygran (Instagram)
    Design Writer at the Evening Standard and Homes & Gardens
  22. Lara Sargent @LaraSargent1
    Interiors and lifestyle journalist with a love of pretty, vintage finds
  23. Olivia Heath @Liv_Heath
    Digital Editor,
  24. Carolyn Bailey @carolynbailey_
    Homes & Gardens Editor for Hearst
  25. Amelia Smith @ameliahelen20
    Features editor at Real Homes
  26. Laura Crombie @Laura_Crombie / @lauraccrombie (Instagram)
    Brand Development Editor at Real Homes and presenter of Real Homes TV
  27. Anna Morley @Alotastic
    Interior stylist and style editor for Real Homes
  28. Pippa Blenkinsop @Pippajaney
    Style Editor for Period Living
  29. Sally Smith @SmithHomeStyle
    Freelance interiors journalist
  30. Daisy Grace Jeffery @DaisyHBR
    Features Editor at Homebuilding and Renovating Magazine
  31. Alaina Binks @abinksstylist (Instagram)
    Deputy Homes & Style Editor at Country Living
  32. Charlotte Boyd @BoydCharlotte / @charlotteboydstylist (Instagram)
    Freelance Interiors Writer and Stylist
  33. Giles Kime @GilesKime
    Interiors Editor at Country Life
  34. Kate Worthington: @kateworthingto1 / @kateeworthington (Instagram)
    Features Editor at Elle Decoration
  35. Amy Neason: @_amyneason / @amyneason (Instagram)
    Style Assistant at House Beautiful
  36. Jo Bailey: @jobaileygram (Instagram)
    Interior Stylist and Contributor to Homes & Gardens
  37. Thea Babington-Stitt: @TheaBryanna / @theababingtonstittjourno (Instagram)
    News & Features Editor at Country Homes & Interiors
  38. Heather Young: @HeatherYoungUk
    Former interiors journalist and editor of
  39. Dominique Corlett: @domcorlett (Instagram)
    Editor of Essential Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom Magazine
  40. Rebecca Messina: @RebeccaGillie
    Digital Editor at
  41. Laurie Davidson: @lifeofaninteriorstylist (Instagram)
    Interior Stylist and Journalist
  42. Sophie Demetriades: @sophiedeme7 (Instagram)
    Deputy Editor of Your Home
  43. Emily Brooks: @emilylbrooks
    Interiors Writer at The Telegraph
  44. Ali Howard: @indoorstories (Instagram)
    Interiors Editor at
  45. Victoria Gray: @vsjgray
    Lifestyle Director at S Magazine

If you do fancy reaching out in the old fashioned way and dropping these content shapers an email, make sure you check out our guide to media databases.

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Before joining jwc, Sam worked at Trinity Mirror where she edited Urban Life, the weekly entertainment, lifestyle and property guide for Manchester. She is the agency lead on interiors with a keen eye for emerging trends.

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