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Press Release Template – download a working example

Press Release Template – download a working example

A tried and tested press release template for you

Have you some company news you want to send to the media in a press release? Not quite sure how to go about formatting it to catch the eye of the journalist or influencer you are sending it to? Well today is your lucky day. We are sharing our press release template.

We have been using this press release template for over five years and it has helped us to secure coverage in trade publications, national newspapers, highly influential websites, blogs and broadcast outlets.

As former journalists we received and read 1,000s of press releases over the years, some of them were good, some of them were appalling. Really appalling – a five-year-old with a chewed crayon could have done better in some cases. We really know what journos look for, and this press release template is the distilled knowledge of those years. It is the simplest and most effective way of presenting written news in a clear and concise manner we have found.

Here, you can find a downloadable example of a tried and tested press release template as used by the pros (us). If you’ve any questions please leave them in the comments.

An example press release template


You can download a word version here, or if if you’d prefer a PDF you can get that here.

Of course, no press release template is going to secure you media coverage unless you can populate it with a brilliant story. Which is a subject we will be tackling in our next B2B newsletter for February.

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