Will the Indie Interiors Press Office Work for Me?
If you can answer yes to these questions, then yes. The Indie Interiors Press Office is for you.
- You are an independent retailer within the homes and interiors space
- You retail online
- You have fantastic unique products
- You good photography of your products available in high resolution (if not click here)
- You have product descriptions written (if not, click here)
What is the Indie Interiors Press Office
The Indie Interiors Press Office is a chance for independent homes & interiors retailers to experience what professional PR can do for their brand. At a fraction of the price it would cost to hire a PR agency.
Why is it so cheap?
We wanted to make it appealing. And while it’s not a loss leader (we make a small profit in months 11 and 12) it is a way for us to showcase our expertise and show you what a difference 12 months of good product PR can have on your brand. Our hope is that once you do, you’ll feel confident investing in our full strategic press office.
Does it work?
In a word, yes. The strategy behind the Indie Interiors Press Office is simple – we generate media coverage which drives potential customers to your website because it:
- Grows brand awareness
- Increases number of reputable backlinks to your site
- Increases trust and reputation for your brand
- Enhances the perception of your brand by being seen alongside other trusted brands and household names
- Increases organic traffic to your website
- Increases referral traffic to product pages from online coverage
- Improves Google rankings.
What happens after 12 months
Up to you. We hope that you’ll renew or upgrade your account with us. But if you prefer to take your PR inhouse, we can arrange to hand over access to your Press Loft account.
How does it work?
If we agree to work together, we start with a good long chat about your brand, your values, your history and your plans. We will then create a calendar of PR activity to suit your requirements, which we will then deliver once agreed.

Do you do social media?
Not inhouse. Just take a look at our social media platforms and you’ll understand why 😊. However we do have great partners who are brilliant with Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter and can provide everything from day-to-day management to paid social media advertising. Drop us a line if you’d like an intro.
Why are there a limited number of press releases, blogs, Press Loft products and request responses?
In order for the Indie Interiors Press Office to work at such a low price point, we need strike a balance between effectiveness and delivery. We believe we have struck the perefect balance. In terms of value, you won’t find better anywhere. If you want to add more, you can always add more.
Do we need to plan all my press releases and content in advance?
Ideally, yes, but we know that with creative businesses a one size package doesn’t fit all, so we can be flexible – if you have a rebrand or product launch later in the year, we can accommodate that.

What will my press releases be about?
We’ll decide that after we have our first chat. Generally your releases will be either new products or new collections, or they will be data-led and tied into emerging trends.
We know how to make your products stand-out against the background noise of current and emerging trends. Sometimes we go with the flow, sometimes we go against it. We use insight gleaned from a whole range of media to decide on the best possible angle for your press releases.
What does a press release look like?
We don’t send out dull press releases which read like a menu. We use our experience to create compelling stories which are tied to emerging data and trends. Below are some example Press Releases which have seen good results for us:
What if I want more press releases?
That’s no problem. We can add additional press releases to your account at a very reasonable rate.
What if I want more blogs or other content?
No problem at all, we will not only supply additional content, but we will also do the keyword research to make sure anything we write actively drives relevant traffic to your site. All at a very reasonable cost.
How many products can I have in my press Office?
Up to 1,000. This covers creating the listing information, researching keywords and uploading to the platform. There are no other costs.
Why do you only respond to two journalist enquiries a month?
Each enquiry needs to be dealt with in a bespoke manner. It takes time to respond correctly.
What if you don’t get two journalist enquiries which suit my products? Do they roll over?
No. But if you’d already had two requests in a month and another came in which was an absolute belter for your brand, we’d put you forward.
There are only two of you – how do I know you’ll have time to deliver what you say?
The only way you can trust us, is by getting to know us.
But we’ll give you this guarantee – we will promise you one free month of Indie Interiors Press Office – for any month we fail to deliver on what we agree. This free month will be added on to the end of the 12 months.
Got Questions?
Get in touch.
- Call John or Sam on 0161 696 6949
- Pick a date and time to chat using Calendly
- email: hello@jwcpr.com