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Interiors Photoshoot

Interiors Photoshoot

Interiors Photoshoot – Bringing Our Brands Together

We are so lucky to have such a fantastic family of clients. And the only thing better than telling the world about their products is introducing them to each other.

Shows Squiggle Wallpaper from Ohpopsi in Lapis & Honey along with Harlech White Oiled Oak Engineered Wood Flooring from Woodpecker.

Recently we were able to bring Woodpecker Flooring and Coldharbour Lights together to work with Ohpopsi on the interiors photoshoot for two new ranges Ichika and Abstract.

The shoot was orchestrated and styled by Ohpopsi Creative Director Zoe Eaton. And we’re pretty sure you’ll agree the images are absolutely stunning.

Woodpecker provided a range of gorgeous flooring, while Coldharbour Lights provided one of their stunning feather lampshades.

Coldharbour Lights made their £595 Gloria lampshade in Flamingo Pink for the shoot.

Woodpecker provided wooden flooring from two of their collections: Harlech White Oiled Oak and Brecon Whisper Oak.

In return Ohpopsi shared photography for Woodpecker and Coldharbour Lights to use in their marketing and PR, the brands promoted each other on their socials and all products were returned intact.

Shows Ichika Trail Wallpaper from Ohpopsi in Royal Blue and Gold along with Brecon Whisper Oak Wood Design Flooring from Woodpecker.

Photography as we all know commands a large percentage of the marketing budget. By bringing our clients together to help each other out we are able to help reduce the costs of props/flooring etc while at the same time enabling them to promote each other.

Now that is a win-win. Actually, in this case it’s a win-win-win.

But who’s counting.


Shows Waterlily Wallpaper in Sky and Rose from Ohpopsi, Harlech White Oiled Oak Engineered Wood Flooring from Woodpecker and GLoria Lampshade in Flamingo PInk from Coldharbour Lights.


Inviting homess brands to read about the indie interiors press office


0161 696 6949


The ClassRooms
Stanley Square
Sale, M33 7ZZ
